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Before 6 AM wake up, sitting in the morning light and shadow of our beautiful bougainvillea plant has become more and more normal for me these days— as has the expanding nature of my belly as our three (!) babies grow inside.  Change is a funny thing, and it’s in full bloom in my life of late.  This time last year, I was a brand new bride, a fresh transplant to my new home in Phoenix and not even close to being settled in (much less unpacked).  That was such a sweet time for both the husband and myself, but frankly, I’m so happy to be here, in this moment in time, instead.  Life has progressed both in change and opportunity, and what can I do but express total gratitude to the God who planned it all?  There have surely been challenges over this year of life– silly arguments, longing for home and good friends, missing the deep green and pleasant humidity of Midwestern terrain (including snow!).  Still, if you had told me then, that I’d be living in our first owned home, expecting triplets, and opening an AirBnb, I would have been a bit more than pleasantly surprised.  I could say that these things “just fall on us”, but they don’t really.  Despite the surprise that my year-ago-self would have felt, all of these things, God, home, children and vocation, have always been in my heart.  The God who cultivates those desires in us, is always faithful to us, if perhaps in ways and timing that we don’t see coming.  Never in the perfect ways that we imagine, but so much better for the growth that comes from worthy struggle that blooms beautifully in the end.

As we wait and actually begin to plan for our growing triplets, so many things have begun to take shape as to the reality ahead.  Becoming parents (times three) all at once is both exciting and shocking– I’m sure these littles are going to rock our notions of calm, patience and love, but I am so excited to begin that journey!  We’ve found three precious bassinets one at a time for the “nursery nook” in our bedroom, and each time I see them, I can’t help but imagine the unique little beings they will hold.  I know waiting to meet any child feels long at times, but my increasing size (and discomfort) sometimes makes me feel that much more eager for it to be October already– “wake me up when September ends”?  But no.  I know that these next months will be full of their own kind of wonder.  Even just today Jon and I felt the first real kicks (delayed due to my double anterior placenta– the third is posterior) from our babes.  They are getting bigger!  Just two and a half weeks ago, we found out that I was carrying not one, but three little ones.  A week later we found out how healthy and big they are (so so thankful!), weighing in at 13 oz, 14 oz, and 13 oz.

Something that I’ve found surprisingly fun and encouraging in this process is the experience I’ve had building a “maternity” wardrobe– don’t mind my quotes, I just am a believer that a lady does not need to buy specifically “maternity” clothes, just garments that are bigger enough to accommodate a baby belly!  My answer to this is thrifting! Second hand shopping is not a science.  So many lady friends have asked again and again how I find the things that I do at places like Goodwill, and the answer is two fold– patience and potential.  One must be willing to comb through (even if briefly) the whole rack/section, and be willing to pause on prints, colors or textures that catch your whimsy, all of this without any notions of perfectionism or negativity.  You also must (hear me: just do it!) try on potential options, even if you reject 50% of them (and you will).  The successful thrifter follows that notion of opportunity, discovery and “you never know until you try!”.  Also, having fun helps a ton!

These are some looks I’ve found at Goodwill of late, proof that 1) larger sized “normal” silhouettes are sufficient, cuter + better for pregnancy clothes than “maternity” wear, and 2) thrifting is all you need.


Literally every item I’m wearing in all of these photos was procured second hand.  If that’s not proof that wasting money on “new” stuff is overrated, I don’t know what is.  I post this not only in hopes of encouraging others to save money (and stop putting cash into the pockets of Chinese + unethical manufacturing), but specifically to encourage Moms-to-be that you don’t have to break the bank to look cute.

I’ll be attempting to update pregnancy outfit pics more frequently (and individually) moving forward, as well as write a bit about the triplet journey– I’ve just not found a ton of info out there, and know there will be other Mom’s after me who might find it helpful.

Until next time!

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